Fall 2023 |
Course Description | Hours |
KINE 1238 - Lifetime Fitness | 2 | LEAD 1111 - Learning and Leading | 1 | SPAN 1411 - Elementary Spanish I | 4 | CHRM 1320 - Introduction to the Old Testament | 3 | ENGL 1301 - Rhetoric and Composition I | 3 | SOCI 1301 - Introduction to Sociology | 3 | CHAP 1000 - Chapel | 0 | 7 ClassesTotal Hours: | 16 |
| Spring 2024 |
Course Description | Hours |
COMM 1311, 1315, or 1318 | 3 | ENGL 1302 - Rhetoric and Composition II | 3 | SPAN 1412 - Elementary Spanish II | 4 | PSYC 2301 - Introduction to Psychology | 3 | History course | 3 | CHAP 1000 - Chapel | 0 | 6 ClassesTotal Hours: | 16 |